Bollywood actress and Bigg Boss winner Gauhar Khan has expressed her anger over the incident in which a man wearing a dhoti was thrown out of a shopping mall in India.
According to Indian media, a 70-year-old farmer named Fakirappa was ejected from a shopping mall in the city of Bengaluru, Karnataka, for wearing traditional attire, including a dhoti and kurta.
Reports indicate that the elderly farmer had come to the mall with his son to watch a film.
The incident was captured on video and went viral on social media, sparking widespread outrage among the Indian public. Social media users condemned the mall authorities and organized online protests against them.
Upon seeing the viral video, actress and model Gauhar Khan also strongly condemned the incident, calling it shameful. In a message posted on her official Instagram story, Khan described the mall authorities’ treatment of the elderly man as highly unethical and disgraceful.
Khan demanded immediate and strict action against the mall authorities to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. She emphasized that the dhoti and kurta are integral parts of Indian culture, which should be a source of pride.
“This behaviour towards an elderly citizen is absolutely unacceptable and shameful,” Khan stated, urging swift and severe action against those responsible.