Pakistan sees 7% fall in unemployment rate this year: survey

Pakistan sees 7% fall in unemployment rate this year: survey

by Pakistan News
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A Pakistani Post office employee enters mail addresses into a computer database as customers look on in Islamabad, Pakistan, on September 12, 2013. — AFP

ISLAMABAD: In a positive development, Pakistan’s economic situation has improved as the unemployment rate has declined compared to last year, The News reported Tuesday. 

This was revealed in the second quarter report of Ipsos-Pakistan’s consumer confidence survey 2024, in which more than 1,000 people participated from across the country.

The 2024 survey revealed that there was a decrease of 7% in the number of Pakistanis who said that they were unemployed last year. 

Meanwhile, 57% of people in the previous one and 50% of people in the current one said they or someone they know was unemployed, while the rate of those who said they did not lose the job increased by 5%. 

The rate of Pakistanis who became unemployed in the last year has decreased by 13% from September 2023 till now, as 63% said to be unemployed in September 2023. 

In the survey, a 10% decrease was also observed in the fear of losing a job among Pakistanis. In September 2023, 95%, while in the current survey, 85% expressed a fear of unemployment. In the same period, confidence among Pakistanis regarding employment also increased from 5 to 15%.

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