Humanity hit a new low when a man in Hyderabad, Sindh, maddened by a property dispute, had his niece and sister-in-law sealed into a room by building a wall outside their door in a bid to force them to die of starvation.
According to local police, the incident resulted from a longstanding ownership row between the woman and her devar (husband’s brother).
The woman’s brother-in-law and his children became so enraged that they decided to wall up the room, trapping her and her daughter inside —allegedly with the aim of killing them by starvation.
The woman stated that her oppressors even had the wall stuccoed.
The tragic event took place in Latifabad No 5, Hyderabad, where both women were confined in their portion of the disputed house, with a wall built outside their room’s door to make their escape impossible.
A police party arrived only after a concerned neighbour alerted them to the vicious incident, which had gone unnoticed by other.
The law enforcers broke down the wall and rescued the two women after 28 hours of confinement without food and water, according to officials.
Early investigation revealed that this act of barbarity followed a heated argument over the property between the woman and her brother-in-law.
Two suspects have been taken into custody, and the police have initiated an investigation into the incident, officials said.