Getting up early and preparing to go to the airport is one of the enjoyable aspects of living. However, many people find the airport process stressful, especially when it comes to getting their luggage to the gate on time.
Most travellers usually have their boarding pass with them, but some rely only on their phones to get the information they require, Mirror reported.
Thanks to this one TikTok user, now it’s a lot easier to travel with this savvy iPhone hack. User @kaansanity posted a video recently with the caption, “Another iPhone trick I guarantee you didn’t know about.”
In the video, he said: “Here’s a cool travel hack, next time you’re travelling, text yourself your airline and flight number, then tap on it and hit preview flight.
“All of your flight details show up right here, so you don’t need to check the airport screens, if your flight gets delayed, it’ll let you know right here. It will also tell you what baggage claim you need to go to.”
But that’s not all, as the TikTok user then added: “The best part is you can copy the code to send to your friends and family so they can track your flight as well.”